Mouth Tongue Teeth and Tooth Decay

Concept Explanation

Mouth Tongue Teeth and Tooth Decay

The Mouth: The mouth is also known as the oral cavity.It contain teeth, tongue and-salivary glands.the process of digestion begins in the mouth.

The Teeth: Teeth start growing before we are born, but they begin to appear form the gums, at about six months of age. All of us have two sets of teeth in our lifetime. The first set of teeth consists of 20 teeth(10 in each of the upper and lower jaws).These appear when a child is in the age group of one to two years. These teeth are called milk teeth. These are ‘temporary’ teeth. These teeth are replaced by another set of teeth, which are 32 in number. They are ‘permanent teeth’ and remain with us till old age. Teeth are hard structures that have two parts—the crown and the root. The crown is the visible part of the tooth. The root is inside the gums and is attached to a socket in the jawbone. The outer white part of the tooth is made of enamel, the hardest substance in the body. Teeth are used to bite off large pieces of food. They then crush, and grind, the food into smaller pieces. There are four types of teeth in our mouth. These are:

Incisors, Cannies, Premolars and Molars.

The last pair of molar teeth is called wisdom teeth. These grow when a person is nearly 20 years old.

The Tongue: It is a muscular organ present inside the mouth. The tongue helps us

•  To know the taste of food (salty, bitter, sour or sweet)

•  In swallowing the food.

•  In mixing the food with the saliva produced by salivary glands.

•  In our speech.

The tongue, thus, helps us not only in tasting things, but also in speaking and singing. Tiny bumps, called taste buds, send messages to the brain, which, in turn, tell us the taste of the food.


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following is not a good habit ?

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) The process of ingestion starts from mouth or oral  cavity.

(b) In human beings, teeth grow twice. The sets of teeth that grow during infancy are called milk teeth. These are also called temporary teeth.

(c) Tongue is free from front and can help in mixing saliva with food, swallowing the food, taking or speaking and tasting with the help of taste buds for sweet, salt, sour and bitter food.

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The process of ingestion starts from ____________________ .

Right Option : A
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